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I was recently honored to participate in the RNDD (River North Design District) Gallery Walk on September 6th! If you have never heard of the walk before, it is a special event comprised of over 30 different showrooms throughout River North in Chicago. Not only was this event exciting to be a part of, but it also partnered with Build On, and a portion of the proceeds will go to helping children in developing countries as well as the U.S.


I was paired with the Eggersmann Kitchen showroom, featuring artwork from Bruno Surdo and Michael Van Zeyl of the Victor Armendariz Gallery and KEUCO bath furnishings + accessories- what a power team! If that isn’t exciting enough, our theme was to celebrate women and finding your inner goddess.


In our showroom, I got to design my own interpretations of the amazing works of Bruno and Michael, highlighting the essence of all women. I loved every minute of it! Not only was the final showroom a masterpiece in itself--there was also a model painted by Rosa Flor Designs who added an unexpected vibrancy to the room. You will have to see it to believe it! I hope these photos give you a glimpse into that fantastic night.